
2020/04/15 時代解析: 寂寞流行病

[時代最前線] Our Epidemic of Loneliness 寂寞流行病
在社交距離(social distancing)誕生前

..., the first step is to promote a mutual sense of belonging. That means meeting and serving people where they live, by physically going to their homes or neighborhoods.

1. mutual (adj) 相互的
[衍] mutually (adv) 相互地
[類] reciprocal (adj) 互惠的

2. physically (adv) 身體地;生理地
[衍]physical (adj) 身體的
[搭] physical needs 生理需求
[反] mentally (adv) 心理地


"A lot of our isolation," he said, "is the degree to which people feel invisible. So, when you come and show up and have concern and conversation from their location, you’re rehumanizing the situation that has lost that connection at a very deep level.”

3. isolation (n)(不可數) 隔絕;孤立
[衍] isolate (v) 隔絕;孤立
[反] connection (n)(可數) (人或物) 關聯/聯繫
[搭] social connection 社交關係

4. invisible (adj) 看不見的;隱形的
[衍] vision (n)(不可數) 視力;眼光
[搭] a person of great artistic vision 具藝術眼光的人
[反]visible (adj) 可看見的


Given trends like migration and virtual work and commerce, which make community harder to build and prioritize, we need physical common ground even more than ever.

5. migration (n)(不可數) 遷徙
[衍] migrate (v) 大規模短暫遷居;搬到新地方
[例] Many foregin workers migrate into our state this year. 今年許多外國工人搬到我們州來。

6. virtual (adj) 虛擬的
[搭] virtual reality 虛擬實境
[補] augmented reality 擴增實境

7. prioritize (v) 確定...優先次序
[搭] prioritize one's work 分清工作的輕重緩急
[衍] priority (n) (可數) 優先考慮之事
[搭] my top priority is ... 我首要考量之事是...


出處: https://time.com/…/58091…/loneliness-epidemic-united-states/