
2024/01/19 TIME閱讀解析 42 - 獨家:OpenAI遊說歐盟放寬AI規範

Exclusive: OpenAI Lobbied the E.U. to Water Down AI Regulation

  單字→粗體黃底 片語→粗體斜字 句型→底線 文法→底線粗體 
      The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, has spent the last month touring world capitals where, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetings with heads of governments, he has repeatedly spoken of the need for global AI regulation.
      But behind the scenes, OpenAI has lobbied for significant elements of the most comprehensive AI legislation in the world—the E.U.’s AI Act—to be watered down in ways that would reduce the regulatory burden on the company, according to documents about OpenAI’s engagement with E.U. officials obtained by TIME from the European Commission via freedom of information requests.
      In several cases, OpenAI proposed amendments that were later made to the final text of the E.U. law—which was approved by the European Parliament on June 14, and will now proceed to a final round of negotiations before being finalized as soon as January.
1.  lobby  [ˈla:.bi]  vi. 遊說,試圖說服(政客、政府或團體)
The activist group lobbied extensively to ensure that their concerns about climate change were heard by policymakers at the United Nations summit.

2.  engagement  [InˈgeIG.mEnt]  n. 協定,保證
The parties reached an engagement, formalized through a written contract, outlining their respective obligations and responsibilities.

3.  amendment  [Eˈmend.mEnt]  n. 修訂,修正,修正案
     The proposed amendment to the constitution sparked heated debates among legal scholars and politicians, raising questions about its potential impact on individual rights and democratic principles.

1.  sold-out  銷售一空的;座無虛席的(講座、演講)
The highly anticipated concert by the artist was a sold-out event, leaving countless fans eager for another chance to witness such an unforgettable performance.

2.  speak of  談及,論及
The moment he walked into the room, everyone fell silent, as if speaking of his name would summon him.

3.  water down  沖淡;弱化,減輕
The management's decision to water down the company's environmental policies sparked outrage among the environmentally conscious employees.
  1. according to + N…  根據
According to recent studies conducted by experts in the field, the implementation of renewable energy sources is crucial for mitigating climate change.
  1. S + V… + as soon as…  一到……(某時間)
as soon as通常後續接用某個事件或時間點,代表一發生某事,或一到達某個未來特定時間,則另一件事就會發生。
As soon as the meeting adjourned, the participants eagerly exchanged their contact information to continue the productive discussions outside the conference room.

  1. 插入語
The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, has spent the last month touring world capitals where, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetings with heads of governments, he has repeatedly spoken of the need for global AI regulation.
在該段文字中 “, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetings with heads of governments,”作為插入語,以兩個介系詞片語補充說明Altman在巡迴世界時談及AI規範的場合與對象。
  1. 介系詞片語
“… has spent the last month touring world capitals where, at talks to sold-out crowds and in meetings with heads of governments, he…”
  • at talks to sold-out crowds 描述談話場合(演講)與對象(觀眾)
  • in meetings with heads of governments 描述談話場合(會議)與對象(政府)


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