
2023/03/20 TIME閱讀解析 05-任何希望外星人接觸地球的人,少說得再等個四百年

Anyone Hoping for Aliens to Contact Earth
Will Have to Wait Another 400 Years At Least



 單字→粗體黃底 片語→粗體斜字 句型→底線 文法→底線粗體 
 Nobody knows for certain what the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Enrico Fermi did or didn’t say at the lunch with colleagues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico that took place in 1950. But as the perhaps apocryphal story has it, Fermi was holding forth on the sheer number of stars in the sky and the sheer number of intelligent civilizations the planets orbiting them might harbor, and puzzling out why we’ve never seen or heard any sign of them.
 “Where is everybody?” Fermi is said to have asked.

 By Jeffery Kluger December 21, 2022 1:28 PM EST
1.  civilization   n. 文明
Sumer has constantly been regarded as one of the symbolic civilizations in the ancient world.

2.  orbit  vt. 圍繞(星體)運行
The news that the newly launched satellite is projected to orbit this planet for more than two years is inspiring.


3.  harbor  vt. 停靠;容納;懷有
This plan is to establish a special area that harbors adequate electric vehicle assembly lines.
1.  take place  發生
Without a formal statement from our side, the merger case is not likely to take place.

2.  hold forth (on + N)  滔滔不絕地(講……)
The veteran has a liking for holding forth on how bravely he behaved in Second World War.

3.  sheer number  數量之多
The sheer number of tricky domestic issues keeps the new prime minister constantly on the run.
1.  Word/Rumor/N has it (that) S + V...  ……(宣)稱
Word has it that the two sides have agreed to bury the hatchet, with the representative acting as a go-between.

2.  sb. be said to + V  據說人(做某事)
John, the prodigal son, is said to have turned over a new leaf; he is now an owner of a startup.
1. puzzle out + 名詞子句(why + S + V...)
Why have we never seen or heard any sign of them?
Fermi was puzzling out the reason.
(1) Fermi was puzzling out (the reason) why we have never seen or heard ...

 ●一個疑問句(Why have we never seen or heard any sign of them? )與一個句子(Fermi was puzzling out the reason.),兩句合為一句  
 ●疑問句(直接問句)[Why + (助V) + S + V/Vpp....?],做為及物動詞puzzle的受詞,須轉為名詞子句(間接問句)[why + S + (助V) + V/Vpp...]  
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