
2023/12/11 TIME閱讀解析 39 - 疫情讓口罩成為家常必需品─適逢大火煙霧瀰漫時

The Pandemic Made Masks Essential Household Items—Just in Time for Wildfire Smoke

  單字→粗體黃底 片語→粗體斜字 句型→底線 文法→底線粗體 
It looked like 2020 on the streets of New York City this week, as many residents unearthed their pandemic masks to protect against air that smelled, tasted, and looked smoky due to raging wildfires in Canada.
Masking during periods of poor air quality is not a new concept, even in the U.S—but it used to be a novelty when it happened. “Everyone is staying indoors and the people who are outside are wearing masks of one kind or another. It’s totally weird to see. This is a creepy feeling,” a spokesperson from San Francisco General Hospital told NBC News when the 2018 Camp Fire compromised air quality there.
What felt different this time around was how quickly and seamlessly many people reached for their face coverings—a sign that three years of pandemic living have left a mark on the American public, turning masks from something very few people have on hand to a household necessity.
瀏覽全文: https://time.com/6286112/wildfire-smoke-mask-pandemic/
1.  unearth  (vt.) 發掘,掘出,使出土
Archaeologists carefully unearthed ancient artifacts from the burial site, revealing a wealth of historical knowledge about the long-lost civilization.

2.  compromise  (vt.) 損害,傷害,危及
The decision to prioritize short-term profits over environmental sustainability could compromise the long-term health of our planet.

3.  seamlessly  (adv.) 順利地;連續地
     The software update integrated seamlessly with the existing system, ensuring a smooth transition and uninterrupted workflow.
1.  in time  及早,及時
Despite the heavy traffic, we managed to arrive at the airport in time for our flight.

2.  reach for  伸手拿取
She reached for the book on the top shelf with nimble hands, eager to dive into its captivating pages.

3.  leave a mark on  對……產生(通常指不良的)影響
The scandalous revelations left a lasting mark on the company's reputation, causing significant damage and eroding public trust.

1.turn + N + from… to …  將某事物由……轉變成……
Technological advancements have turned smartphones from mere communication devices to indispensable personal assistants.

2. It’s + adj. + to see…  見到…‥令人……
to see之後接用的句子則表示看到的狀況或現象。It's perplexing to see how quickly misinformation spreads on social media.

1.  used to 的相關用法及易混淆用法
  • used to + V  過去經常……During my childhood, I used to spend hours reading books in my cozy corner, immersing myself in captivating stories.
  • be used to + V  某物被用於……Old newspapers can be used to absorb moisture in shoe cabinets.
  • be used to + Ving/N  習慣……After living in the bustling city for years, she was used to navigating through crowded streets and dealing with the noise.


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