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TIME閱讀解析 31 - 夢遊教會我們創傷對大腦的影響
What Sleepwalking Teaches Us About Trauma's Effects on the Brain

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Imagine getting up in the middle of the night, and starting to drive your car around town or preparing a big dish of dog food and eating it—and although your eyes are wide open, you’re sound asleep. While these experiences sound like fiction, they are examples of a curious condition occurring around the edges of sleep, known as “sleepwalking.” Sleepwalking is a so-called “arousal disorder”—a form of partial awakening during sleep— that affects around 2.5% of adults and as many as 14% of children. And it’s this uncanny phenomenon that not only gives us profound insight into how the dissociative mechanisms during sleep come about and how they can collapse, but also provides clues about the nature of consciousness itself.
1. uncanny (adj.) 神祕的;奇怪的;難以解釋的
The resemblance between the twins was uncanny; their identical features and mannerisms made it difficult to distinguish one from the other.
2. dissociative (adj.) 解離症的,解離型疾患的,多重人格障礙的
After experiencing a traumatic event, she developed dissociative amnesia, leading to fragmented memories and a sense of detachment from her past.
3. collapse (vi.) 倒下,昏倒,昏迷
After running a marathon without proper hydration, John suffered a sudden collapse, falling to the ground due to exhaustion and dehydration.
1. wide open 大開;完全開放的
With wide open arms, she welcomed the opportunity to explore new cultures and immerse herself in unfamiliar experiences.
2. sound asleep 熟睡,酣睡
After a long day of hiking, I finally fell sound asleep, oblivious to the sounds of nature outside my tent.
3. come about 發生,產生,開始發生
A remarkable breakthrough in medical research has come about, revolutionizing the treatment of a previously incurable disease.
1. Although S + V, … 雖然……但是……
Although I had studied diligently, I still found the exam difficult.
2. Not only… but also… 不僅……而且還……
Not only did she win the gold medal in swimming, but she also set a new world record.
1. 關係代名詞 (Relative Pronouns)
關係代名詞可以是that, who, whom, whose或者which,根據其在句子中的角色和所指涉的名詞特性而定(人、事或物)。
節選文章當中“it’s this uncanny phenomenon that not only gives…”的that即是關係代名詞,用來引導修飾前述現象的關係子句。
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